Category «More Catholic Stuff»

Jesus Without The Resurrection

What if they announced the discovery of Jesus’ burial remains? What if we found out that Jesus was a real person, but the Resurrection was just a made-up story? Would it change his message? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth of The Catholic Cafe as they ponder the importance and effect of believing in the Resurrection of Jesus.

A Lourdes Miracle

Lourdes, France is known for the miracles associated with Our Lady’s appearance to St. Bernadette many years ago. Many of us have heard of them. But, not many of us have MET them. Join us in the The FRENCH Catholic Cafe as we welcome Dr. William McGarry, a Knight of Malta and a noted oncologist, to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss his fight with cancer and his unlikely – perhaps even miraculous – prognosis.


Welcome to the Luxurious Corner Booth of The FRENCH Catholic Cafe! Yes, we’re back in Lourdes, France once again on pilgrimage with the Order of Malta…and we’ve brought our studio with us so we can bring more great shows your way. In this first of twelve episodes, we welcome Margaret Melady, a Dame of Malta and President of the Federal Association of the Order of Malta, who discusses her personal relationship with Pope St. John Paul II and her book, The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II.


What are we “celebrating” in the season of Advent? Many people, even Catholics, tend to gloss over Advent and skip right to Christmas. But, is that right? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they discuss taking time during the season of Advent to anticipate the coming of the Christ…especially by contemplating the reasons for the Incarnation.


Do you know the true origins and development of the American holiday of Thanksgiving? Is it just an onramp to the Christmas season? Does it have a truly religious origin? Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss how we can “take back” the holiday and live more fully its originally spiritual intent.

Drinking Wine

Deacon Jeff and co-host Tom Dorian discuss the Catholic teaching about drinking in general and drinking wine in particular. Is the drinking of alcohol frowned on in the Bible? What did Jesus think of drinking wine? Tune in and find out!

Good Questions

Deacon Jeff talks with “Biker” Bob Nicholas and answers various common questions folks have sent in via E-mail (and other means) relating to Catholic beliefs and practices. For instance, “Why does your Cross still have Jesus on it?” and “Why are non-Catholics not allowed to receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church?”