Category «The Church (Authority, Structure & History)»

Canon Law

Join Deacon Jeff Drzycimski in the “luxurious corner booth” of The Catholic Cafe as he welcomes Fr. Adam Rust, a Canon Lawyer, back to the Cafe. Fr. Rust and Deacon Jeff talk about the role of Canon Law in the ecclesial life, and cover some difficult Canon Law subjects like $quot;automatic excommunication.”

The Catechism

Deacon Jeff talks with Head Chef at The Catholic Cafe, Fr. Ben Bradshaw, about the Catechism of the Catholic Church: it’s origins, it’s purpose, and its practical and prayerful use for the faithful.

Universal Church

Deacon Jeff talks to Fr. Elias Kekong Bisong, a priest and instructor at a Nigerian Seminary discuss the meaning of the word “Catholic.” They explore the universality of the Church and spend time discussing the Church in Africa.

Early Church Fathers

Deacon Jeff talks with co-host Tom Dorian about what the Catholic Church teaches about the Fathers of the Early Church, those men whose writings have been a genuine reflection of the Truths of the Catholic Faith for the first 1000 years of Christianity.

Church Authority

Deacon Jeff and noted lawyer Robert Hutton discuss the truth behind the authority of the Church. What must every Catholic believe if they want to call themselves Catholic? What is a Catholic OBLIGATED to accept? And where does opinion come in? And what about binding authority? And, how do you tell the difference? Stay tuned, and we’ll try and clear it all up!