Category «The Sacraments»

The Ten Lepers

Since leprosy has for the most part been eradicated from the face of the earth, most folks might think that a discussion about Jesus healing the ten lepers is no longer relevant. But, perhaps we should look closer at another possibility…spiritual leprosy. The Commandment requiring us to honor our father and mother seems at first to be fairly straightforward. But, unfortunately, many people have difficulty living out this Commandment because of brokenness within the family itself.

Going Back To Confession

If it has been a long time since your last Confession, you have you ask yourself why. There are many reasons we might come up with, but none of them should keep us away from one of the greatest opportunities for grace in the modern world.

The Wedding

It is common courtesy to congratulate the Bride and Groom and their families on the day of the big wedding. But, most folks are not always sure why they do it. There are some very good reasons that a hearty congratulations is appropriate for choosing marriage.

His Presence Incarnate

To fully engage in the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or better known as the feast of Corpus Christi, one must first delve into a fuller understanding of the mystery of the Incarnation.