Category «Evangelization & Apologetics»

Roaming Catholics

Has your child left the Church? Your brother or sister? Has anyone you care about stopped going to Mass? We all have folks we love (especially kids) who have wandered away. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they present a Top Ten list of things to do (and NOT to do) when trying to get them back in Church.

Defending Your Faith

Do you find it hard to defend your faith? Are you shy about telling folks you are a Catholic…and why you are? Can you answer all the inevitable questions that will arise? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they share another of their world-famous top ten lists – this one is the top ten ways to defend your faith.

Baptism By Mud

Looking for a great spiritual experience this Summer for your kids? What about a great outdoor experience? What if you could have BOTH? Camp Wojtyla is a Catholic adventure program located in the heart of the Colorado Rockies and has been revealing God’s majesty and love to kids from all walks of life for several years now, Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they welcome Keenan Fitzpatrick, a camp counselor and missionary for Camp Wojtyla, to discuss this wonderful outdoor adventure program and the greater need for spiritual development in our young folks.

Calling Me

So many times in life, we wait for someone else to do whatever needs to be done: someone more qualified, smarter, more prepared, more holy, more…whatever. But, when Jesus “launched” his worldwide mission of salvation, he immediately enlisted the critical help of common, ordinary men who were busy going about their daily business. That was God’s plan. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss Jesus’ call of the Twelve, and our parallel call to be his disciples and play a critical part in his ongoing plan of salvation.

Getting Focused

When I was in college, I wish I had FOCUS missionaries on campus. Who knows where I would be now, if I had realized my relationship with Jesus and the truth of Catholicism those many years ago?! Join me, Deacon Jeff, and Tom as we welcome Zoe Myers, a Fellowship Of Catholic University Students missionary, into the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the state of “religion” on campus and her reasons for answering the call to join FOCUS.

The Catholic Guy

Who are the “unchurched”? Who are the “nones”? Who are we evangelizing? We can all agree that we are called to evangelize in the Great Commission, but WHO are we evangelizing and exactly what does that population look like? They actually look a lot like you and me! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they welcome their guest, Bruce Downes, known throughout Australia and over 90 other countries as “The Catholic Guy, as together, they discuss evangelizing the ordinary folk of the world.

No Pain No Gain

Sometimes when we do the things we feel are right, especially when we feel we are following God’s plan for our lives, we experience pain, affliction, friction and sadness. The Church calls this redemptive suffering. But, it’s still hard. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they answer an email from “Amy” who is going through RCIA and is experiencing great difficulty in reconciling her parents’ lack of support with her need to honor them and respect them (while still discerning God’s call that she be on this journey). Sometimes (in fact, usually) conversion is painful.