Category «Evangelization & Apologetics»

Top Ten Ways Of Keeping Your Family Catholic

Have you ever wondered if there was a list of simple things that pretty much any Catholic family could do that would help them stay rooted in their faith on their journey through life? Not hard, complex and multi-faceted things…but simple and easy-to-accomplish things. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they present one of their famous “top ten lists”: ten simple things you can do which will help to ensure that your kids grow up – and stay – Catholic!

Welcome The Stranger

Do we just assume that anyone who shows up at Mass already knows what it means to be Catholic? Do we really ever reach outside our property line to evangelize or do we wait for them to come to us? Does our parish have an easy “on-ramp” or introductory way to find out more about our faith? These are all good questions we should be asking ourselves as Christians. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they take on the topic of welcoming the stranger.

Evangelizing The Issues

We all agree that we need to evangelize. In fact, in the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to do so. The problem is that when we encounter those with whom we are attempting to share the Good News, we inevitably get bogged down in the hot-button issues of the day. So what do we focus on? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss what (in their humble opinion) evangelization truly boils down to.

Everyday Evangelization

When it comes to your faith, are you a “professional student”…someone who continually stocks up on knowledge, but may be too afraid to put it to use evangelizing? Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug in the Luxurious Corner Booth for an interesting discussion of ways that average, everyday Catholics can share the gospel message of hope to all those they encounter day-to-day.

The Joy Of The New Evangelization

Are you an evangelist? Do you even know what it really means to be an evangelist? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they welcome internationally known speaker, teacher…and evangelist Kelly Wahlquist to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the New Evangelization and the importance of sharing the Joy of the Gospel while living and expressing a life of joy.

Catholicism: The New Evangelization

Join Deacon Jeff in the “luxurious corner booth” as he and his trust sidekick Tom Dorian share some fresh-sooked french fries with Father Robert Barron from his ministry Word On Fire. The discussion starts with Father Barron’s phenomenal video series”Catholicism” and moves into his exciting follow-up project “Catholicism: The New Evangelization.”

Catholic Apologetics

Join Deacon Jeff Drzycimski in the “luxurious corner booth” of The Catholic Cafe as he and wing man Tom Dorian talk about the meaning behind, and need for, Catholic Apologetics (defending the teachings of the Catholic Faith).

Evangelizing Your Environments

From the luxurious corner booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe, Deacon Jeff talks with Broadway Producer Karen Goodwin, who worked on such hit musicals as Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera and Miss Siagon, about being a Catholic on Broadway and how she evangelizes her environment.